Mission Statement

Our mission at Temple Christian School is to glorify God by providing for students a Christ-centered education marked by excellence and grounded in biblical truth.

What We Believe


It is the purpose of Temple Christian School to provide a sound academic education integrated with a Christian view of God and the world. The Bible is specific in stating the principles which underlie Christian Education. St. Paul presented a comprehensive principle when he wrote of Christ: “For by Him were all things created, that are in Heaven, and that are in earth… And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist.” (Colossians 1:16-17) And the writers of the fourth Gospel said, “All things were made by him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.” (John 1:3)

There is an important difference between the Christian and the non-Christian viewpoints on a given subject. Even though knowledge is factually the same for both, no subject can be taught in the totality of its truth if the Creator is ignored or denied. Knowledge is purified by the recognition of God’s place in it. No other approach to education can be entirely God-honoring, for parents and children, as is such an approach through the Scriptures.

Parents of children in Temple Christian School consider the Word of God clear in making Christian parents responsible for the education of their children; education not limited to the counsels of God revealed in His Word, but also in the counsels of God revealed in His world. These parents want their children to be educated at home and at school with the consciousness that all truth is God’s truth, including history and geography, science, music and the arts, and that Jesus Christ is to be central in all learning and living.

We believe that a Christ-centered school is essential in our world today. We realize the strength of our enemy and the need to equip our children with the tools to combat the enemy. We want our students to continue to grow spiritually in the Christian faith becoming excellent leaders in the community, churches, and overseas/domestic ministries. We desire for them to have an education which will prepare them mentally, physically, and spiritually according to the Scriptures.

Our purpose as a Christian school is to encourage students to believe in God (John 3:16). Additionally, we focus on academic achievement to prepare students for living in today’s world. TCS integrates the academic content areas with Biblical knowledge, character, and moral development, all going hand in hand to produce Christians with leadership and responsibility for the calling that He places upon each of His children.