Choose TCS

A Christian education at Temple Christian School (ACSI member) will help your child grow spiritually, academically, and socially. In fact, the recent Cardus Education Survey and other education studies show that ACSI schools better develop the whole child than any other type of school.

Benefits of an Education at Temple Christian School


  • A Christ-centered education
  • Quality academics
  • S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) Opportunities
  • Safe school environment, complete with cameras and magnetic door locks
  • A wireless campus with each classroom utilizing the latest smart board technology and Chromebooks
  • Small class sizes
  • Partnership with Colleges and Universities in the College Credit Plus Program
  • Chromebook computer provided to every student
  • Successful personal interaction between teachers and students
  • A variety of outstanding extracurricular opportunities for your student
  • Computer labs for both Elementary and High School students
  • Emergency trained staff
  • Zero tolerance for bullying
  • Honors classes
  • Student Activities/Programs (Fine Arts, Athletics, National Honor Society, Student Government, Spelling Bee, Geography Bee, etc.)
  • Community Service Opportunities
  • Qualifying scholarships are available


  • Christian school graduates donate significantly more money to their churches, religious causes and other charitable causes overall.*
  • A greater percentage of ACSI schools offer missions and social service trips both in the United States and Canada. **
  • Christian school graduates give more of their time to volunteer in their congregations, on missions trips, and on relief/aid trips.*
  • ACSI schools have greater student involvement in community service, politics, and fine arts than nonmember Protestant Christian schools.
  • Christian school graduates have a stronger sense of direction in their lives and are more confident in their ability to deal with life challenges than their peers.*

*Protestant Christian schools compared with Catholic, public, and private nonreligious schools as well as homeschools

**ACSI schools compared with other Protestant Christian schools and Catholic schools

Note: These comments do not promise the quality of an individual school; they are representative comments of ACSI schools as a whole.

Cardus Education Survey, 2011 and ACSI 2010/2011 Member Survey

ACSI Cardus Report


  • Since 1974 ACSI schools have scored significantly higher than the national norm in every grade level on a national achievement test.*
  • ACSI school students read at least one grade level above the national averages as measured on a national achievement test. **
  • ACSI schools average more required course credits in math, science, English, biblical studies, civics, social studies, art and music, and physical education than all other programs surveyed. **
  • ACSI school graduates attend college at a significantly higher rate than the national average.
  • Christian school graduates are more likely to attend a religious university and obtain more years of higher education than their public school peers.*



  • ACSI schools have the greatest emphasis on student development of moral character and personal virtue. **
  • Christian school graduates are significantly more likely to pray and read Scripture both alone and with family. *
  • ACSI schools have the highest belief in biblical accuracy in scientific and historical matters. **
  • Christian school graduates are more likely to attend religious services and respect the authority of church leadership.*
  • ACSI schools most often include these among their top priorities: for students to have a close, personal relationship with God and for students to develop a Christian worldview. **
