Graduation Requirements


Temple Christian School is committed to helping students succeed in the classroom and beyond. Recent changes in state law introduced new graduation requirements for students in the classes of 2021 and beyond.

The changes are staged in three areas:

  • Cover the Basics - TCS requires 24 credits - includes 4 years of Bible;
  • Show Competency - earn points on state tests or show college and career preparedness;
  • Demonstrate Readiness - choose a Pathway and earn Seals that allow students to demonstrate one or more of the following: academic and technical knowledge, professional skills, social and emotional competencies, or learner and reasoning skills.

To effectively communicate the graduation pathways for students and families, Temple Christian School is developing clear communication tools. We want to ensure all students and families understand the state graduation requirements and the various options. In the coming months, we will communicate progress for each student toward the pathway that will allow him/her to successfully complete graduation  requirements.

More information can be found on the Ohio Department of Education website.

In order to provide clarity to students and parents on the graduation requirements, click on a tab below corresponding to the appropriate graduating class of your child:

Class of 2023 & Beyond Graduation Requirements

As a student entering ninth grade on or after July 1, 2019, Ohio’s new high school graduation requirements give you more flexibility to choose a graduation pathway that builds on your strengths and passions – one that ensures you are ready for your next steps and excited about the future.

Graduation Requirements 2023