Daily Schedule

Schedule from September through May

Our schedule throughout the day is flexible and may vary from time-to-time.  We occasionally have guest speakers and often celebrate holidays with a party. Stop by to visit or join our activities anytime.

Preschool Daily Hours Activity
6:30–7:50 Children begin to arrive. After health check, children will participate in quiet table activities, such as art, manipulatives, languages arts, table games, etc.
7:50–8:00 Pre-K and school age children will clean up and go to their classrooms or prepare to meet the bus.
8:00–9:00 Morning Circle Time: this time includes, but is not limited to the following activities: Pledge of Allegiance, calendar, weather check, various songs and fingerplays, gross motor and fine motor activities.
9:00–9:30 Restroom break, snack time, discussion of the curriculum, and activities for the day.
9:30–11:00 Clean up, restroom break, and lunch. Pre-K will eat lunch at approximately 11:00 and toddlers will eat lunch at approximately 11:30.  The children and their teacher share a prayer before lunch.  Children and teachers enjoy a nutritionally balanced lunch.  Good manners are encouraged.
11:00–12:00 Clean up, restroom break, and lunch. Pre-K will eat lunch at approximately 11:00 and toddlers will eat lunch at approximately 11:30.  The children and their teacher share a prayer before lunch.  Children and teachers enjoy a nutritionally balanced lunch.  Good manners are encouraged.
12:00–1:00 Clean up, restroom break, and quiet activities or story time.
1:00–2:30 Naptime: All children must lie on a cot and are expected to lie quietly. As children awaken, they are given quiet activities on their cots while others remain asleep.
2:30-3:00 Children awaken, use the restroom, and pack up for child care or to go home.
3:00–3:15 Temple Christian School is dismissed. Children are taken to after school child care or picked up by parents.
3:15–4:15 Other school children begin to arrive.  A snack is served to all children in attendance.
4:15–5:30 Outdoor play, weather permitting.  If the children must stay inside, they remain in their own class area.  Their teacher is responsible for planning activities for their age level.  Various activities in which the children may participate are: Group games, movies, and circle times.