
Joseph Bryan Engle was born in Columbus on Feb. 8, 2003, to Paul and Mary Engle. He has 10 siblings.

Joseph's entire education has taken place at Temple, from preschool to 12th grade. His favorite memory at Temple was doing online school during quarantine. Joseph’s favorite class at Temple was applied math. His extracurricular activities were soccer, yearbook, art, choir, and bowling.

A few of Joseph’s accomplishments were receiving his four-year award in soccer and also getting a 4.0 this year. Aside from Joseph’s hobbies, he loves swimming, riding bikes, and "airsofting" with his friends.

If Joseph could choose any superpower he would choose super-speed. Josephs's favorite song is “Way Maker” and his favorite food is Chinese. If He could go anywhere in the world He would go to Africa.

Someone that has inspired Joseph in his life would be his dad because he is a very good leader.

His favorite verse is “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” (Isaiah 6:8, King James Version).

Joseph will attend Grace College in Indiana with his brother Daniel. He plans to major in pastoral studies, then later get his master's in business. Joseph's advice to underclassmen is “Enjoy every chapel. Don't take it for granted."