
Joshua Ryan Engle was born in Columbus on Feb. 8, 2003, to Paul and Mary Engle. He has 10 siblings.

Joshua's entire education has taken place at Temple, from preschool through 12th grade. His favorite memory at Temple was going on field trips with his classmates. Joshua’s favorite class at Temple was Current Events with Mr. Green. His extracurricular activities were soccer, basketball, and drama.

A few of Joshua’s achievements were soccer all-league first team in soccer and a four-year award in soccer.

If Joshua could choose any superpower he would choose speed. His favorite song is “Red letters” by Crowder, and his favorite food is tater tot casserole that his mom makes. If he could travel anywhere in the world he would go to Bora Bora.

Someone that has inspired Joshua in his life would be his dad because he always pushes him to do better in everything he does.

Joshua's favorite verse is "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Philippians 4:13, King James Version).

Joshua plans to join the Union Hall for HVAC.