Brody Rodney Bowman was born on June 8, 2001. He is the son of Bruce and Rosanne Bowman. Brody has one brother, Brock Bowman.
Brody has attended Temple Christian School for fourteen years. He has participated in basketball, soccer, baseball, student government, art, band, choir, and the National Honor Society during his time at Temple. Brody has also participated in several theatrical productions including Hello, Dolly!, Little Women, and The Trouble with Being Tucker Dowt. Brody says his favorite part of high school was hanging out with his friends and having fun.
Brody currently attends church at Lima Baptist Temple in Lima, Ohio. His favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
When asked about his plans after high school, Brody says he would like to attend a college that allows him to study art and film without accumulating a lot of debt. He wants to find a career where he can make films and use his artistic abilities while also living his life for Christ. If he could spend a day with any famous person, Brody says he would choose Robert Downey Jr. because he admires his acting talent, or Chris Pratt because “he seems like a really fun guy and is hilarious in films.” Brody advises the underclassmen to “enjoy high school, don’t stress too much, appreciate your teachers, and commit wholeheartedly to following Christ because you will never regret it.” Brody says that many aspects of Temple have influenced his life, such as the great example set by the teachers, the amazing friendships, and the important life lessons he has learned from sports. “My mom and dad are both a part of the school and have obviously impacted me greatly! The school has always been a part of my life and has been a very positive part as well. The atmosphere has grown and shaped me in many ways,” says Brody.
We wish you the best of luck wherever God directs you, Brody!