Carol Sue Smith is the Daughter of Frank Smith and Stacey Matney. She has five siblings: Kimberly, Ruben, Summer, Frank Jr., and Alyssa. She was born on August 17, 2001 in Lima, Ohio. She has attended Temple for four years. While at Temple, she has been involved in art and choir. Carol is also in student government, and is the student body president.
Carol’s favorite class ever at Temple has been public relations/journalism with Mrs. Kinnear. Some of her favorite high school memories were soccer and basketball games, homecoming, banquet, laughing in study halls, and leading the student government.
Outside of school, Carol enjoys drawing, writing, watching Netflix, sleeping, and hanging with friends and family. If she could have any superpower, Carol would choose invisibility. If she could travel anywhere, Carol would go to Iceland.
Her favorite book is the Bible, and her favorite song is “Defender” by Francesca Battestelli. Carol said her favorite food is “anything Chinese.”
Carol said Mrs. Kinnear is someone who inspires her. “She has been someone I could rely on for advice and prayer throughout high school. She is selfless and caring and has inspired me to be more like her,” she said.
Carol attends Living Hope church in Lima, Ohio. Her favorite Bible verse is, “He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me” (Psalm 18:19, New International Version).
After high school, Carol plans to attend Mount Vernon Nazarene University to major in social work and minor in something to do with ministry.
Carol describes her senior year with the words “unforgettable, amazing and emotional.” She said she will always remember “The memories I’ve made with my friends, being a role model to underclassmen, the impact the teachers and staff have made in my life, and how much Temple has positively impacted my life and my walk with Christ.”
Carol’s advice to underclassmen is to “Try to include everyone, go to sporting events, attend homecoming festivities, try your best in everything you do. Soak up every second you have with your friends, appreciate your teachers, and most importantly, give all the glory to God.”
May God bless you in your future endeavours, Carol!