Emily Bontrager

Emily Joy Bontrager was born on March 2, 2005, in Lima, Ohio, and is the daughter of Eric and Aimee Bontrager.

Emily has attended Temple since K4 and her favorite class was Public Relations. While at Temple Emily played volleyball for all four years of high school and received an NWCC Honorable Mention for the 2021 and 2022 seasons. She also participated in cheerleading, choir, art, drama, elementary chapel team, and National Honor Society, and is a huddle leader for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

Outside of school, Emily enjoys reading, creative writing, watching movies, and volunteering at her church. Her favorite animal is a fox, her favorite book is “Calculated” by Nova McBee. If she could have any superpower she would choose the ability to bend space and time.

Emily’s favorite high school memory is when she knocked over a picture frame onstage during the school play her sophomore year.

Emily’s favorite Bible verse is Philippians 3:14, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

Emily said a person who inspires her is Mrs. Bowman because “she set a good example for me when I was young and showed me what I can do with the talents and abilities God has given me.”

Emily’s advice to the underclassmen is to “do hard things.”

After high school Emily plans on attending Indiana Wesleyan University and majoring in Multimedia Communications.