Josie Deitering

Josephine (Josie) Ann Deitering is the daughter of Mark and Sabine Deitering. She has two brothers - Billy and Jake. She was born in Tallahassee, Florida in October 2005. Josie began her time at Temple in the eighth grade.

Josie played basketball for two years and ran track and field her entire high school career. In her sophomore year of track, Josie was on the 4x100m team that set the school record, and in her junior year, she set the school’s 800m run record. She has also participated in choir, NHS, and the elementary chapel team. Her favorite subject is English.

Josie enjoys playing the piano in her free time. If she could travel anywhere, she would choose to visit Paris. Her favorite food is fettuccine alfredo; her favorite animal is a cat; and her favorite book is Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George. If she could have a superpower, she would like the ability to fly.

Josie’s favorite Bible verse is Ruth 1:16, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.”

When asked to describe her senior year in three words, Josie said it was "fun, exciting, and stressful." Her advice to the underclassmen is to work hard in school, but don’t forget to enjoy your personal life as well.

After high school, she plans to become a certified public accountant (CPA).