Kristin Najmulski

Kristin Nicole Najmulski is the daughter of Tiffany Najmulski and the late Bob Najmulski. Kristin was born in 2005 in Lima, Ohio. She has six older siblings, with one being Dylan, who graduated from Temple last year. In addition to being a Temple student since the fifth grade, Kristin has been attending Apollo Career Center for the past two years studying sports exercise where she earned her physical therapy aid certificate.

At Apollo, Kristin participated in Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) and her group won second place in a state competition for this group for "Creative Problem-Solving." At Temple, Kristin was involved in art, choir, cheerleading, and elementary chapel.

Kristin's favorite class at Temple was history with Mr. Green and her favorite memories were from choir concerts. Her favorite food is steak (medium rare) and her favorite animal is a cat. Kristin would love to travel to Bora Bora one day. She would describe her senior year as "challenging and emotional."

If she could have any superpower, Kristin said she would want the ability to take away people's pain, as she knows first-hand the difficulties of dealing with physical ailments due to hip dysplasia and multiple surgeries. Someone who inspired Kristin was her dad because when he was fighting cancer he always trusted God and never gave up.

Kristin said she will always remember how supportive the faculty and staff were at Temple. Her advice to underclassmen is to "Never give up when things get hard, and to lean on God." Her favorite verse is Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

This summer, Kristin plans to get her STNA license at Apollo, then attend Rhodes State College to receive her bachelor's degree in nursing.