Leslie Delgado

Leslie Denise Delgado was born on March 2, 2001. Her parents are Alma and Jeremie Boop. Her brother and sister’s names are Jaime and Alana Delgado. She has attended Temple Christian since her freshman year of high school. During her time at Temple Christian School, Leslie has been involved in the girls’ basketball team, choir, and the bowling team. Leslie’s favorite part of high school is the basketball seasons.

She is involved with the youth group at Lima Baptist Temple, where she also regularly attends church. Leslie’s favorite Bible verse is Ephesians 2:10, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

After high school, Leslie plans to go to college to become an Occupational therapist assistant. Her dream is to have a beautiful family of her own. If Leslie could spend a day with any celebrity, it would be the famous soccer star Alex Morgan, because has always been a huge inspiration to her.

Leslie’s advice to the underclassmen is to have fun, and not to stress too much. The part about Temple that has affected her life the most is the strong friendships she has built.

May God bless you on your future endeavours, Leslie!