
Seth Dylan Nickles was born on August 29, 2000. He is the son of Cecilia and Allen Nickles. Seth has two siblings, Malachi and Grace. Seth has attended Temple Christian since the 7th grade. He is involved in bowling and loves having lunch with his TCS friends.

Seth currently attends Lima Seventh Day Adventist Church. His favorite Bible verse is John 16:24, “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.”

Seth plans to attend Wright State University to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering. He says, “I want to do something important.” Seth says if he could hang out with any celebrity for a day, he would choose Taylor Swift because of the inspiration she has been in his life.

Seth’s advice to the underclassmen is, “Don’t stress it!” Seth says being with his class at Temple has made a positive impact on his life.

Seth, we are so proud of you and cannot wait to see what God does in your future as you follow Him!