Von Heffner 2

Von Charles Heffner was born in Curitiba, Brazil in September 2003. His parents are Roger and Kristy and his sisters are Sabrina, Dyani, and Gabi.

Although he only began attending Temple in recent years, Von has created many long-lasting memories like playing knockout on Mr. Green’s mini basketball hoop. He also has enjoyed his friend Darrick’s “ridiculous” comments during class.

While at school, Von participated in many extracurriculars, like track and field, backstage production of the spring plays and musicals, and soccer, in which he received two honorable mentions.

His favorite subject in school was robotics. His favorite book is “Dark Life” by Kat Falls, his favorite food is sushi, and his favorite animal is a wolf. Von’s favorite Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

Outside of school, Von enjoys various outdoor hobbies, such as fishing, target shooting, swimming, playing sports, going on vacations, and just hanging out with his friends.

Following graduation, Von plans to attend Maranatha Baptist University in Wisconsin for one school year, then return to Ohio and join the Army National Guard.

Von's advice to the underclassmen is to stay on task. He said, “It is less stressful to work ahead rather than to procrastinate.”