Dear Parents, Students, and Staff:
This letter is to inform you that a student or staff member at Temple Christian School has been diagnosed with Covid-19. When a person is diagnosed with Covid-19, they must isolate per the CDC and local health department guidelines and may not return until they meet Health Department criteria for returning to school. We are working with the Allen County Health Department to prevent the spread of this disease. Those who have been identified as close contacts have been communicated with and provided guidance. If you as a parent/student or staff member have not been individually communicated with other than this letter, it is unlikely that you as a student or staff member were identified as a close contact.
A close contact is generally defined as being within 6 feet of an infectious person for 15 minutes or more. However, other factors may play a role in determining if someone is a close contact.
As a precaution, we encourage you to monitor your health, and contact your doctor if you develop Covid-19 symptoms.
Should you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Superintendent Bruce Bowman or School Nurse Shelley Zwiebel at 419 227-1644 during school hours.
Thank you for your continued commitment to keep our school community safe and healthy.
Bruce Bowman