Hello TCS families. Galatians 6:9-10 says, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith”. Here are a few news items we wanted to share with you. Have a great weekend!
Reading Month:
Our annual elementary reading month will begin on Monday. Our teachers always do an awesome job of decorating all of the classrooms and hallways. Students will be able to enjoy our reading month kickoff assembly on Monday afternoon. During the month, students are encouraged to read a certain amount of minutes each week. We will have special activities each Friday during March to celebrate reading month with a grand finale celebration at the end of the month.
Virtual Elementary Grandparents Day Program:
The TCS elementary is preparing a recorded Grandparents Day Program. It will be available online on Thursday March 4th at 1:30 P.M.
2nd Grade Activity:
In 2nd grade History, we have been learning about landform maps. Students learned to identify characteristics of different types of landforms and bodies of water. Each student created a travel map that includes important landforms and bodies of water for a state that they have visited.
4th Grade Celebration:
The fourth grade celebrated the 100th day of school with lots of fun activities! Each student made a 100th day shirt and wore those to school on Tuesday. At school they built towers out of 100 cups, did 100 different exercises, made a “100 Things I am Grateful for” pamphlet, and a 100th day craft! We had such a fun 100th day of school!
K5 Fun:
The K5 classes celebrated 100 days of school on Tuesday of this week. The kids dressed up as 100 year olds, took 100 steps, made a 100 day trail mix, and much more. It was a fun day.
K5 Dr. Seuss Day:
Both K5 classes have had a fun week with a Dr. Seuss theme. We made crazy socks, Cat in the Hat green eggs, and dressed in crazy hats and socks on Friday.
Sophomore Bible Project:
This week, the sophomore Bible class completed their Headline News projects over the story of Ruth. The students did an excellent job presenting the facts of Scripture in newspaper format, using research tools including Bible dictionaries and other reference materials. They reported on the meaning of names, laws related to gleaning, customs of the day, and relationships to other Bible stories.
Honey Gram Thank You:
Thank you to everyone who supported the seniors through the Honey Gram fundraiser. They are very grateful! We do have one youth medium shirt available for sale. The cost is $12 and can be worn on Witness Wear days for the rest of this year. If you would like to purchase this shirt, please email Mrs. Finch at fincht@tcspioneers.org.
Reading Month Project Donations:
The elementary is seeking donations of toilet paper rolls and Gatorade/Powerade bottles for their reading month craft projects. Thank you.
K-6th Grade Spring Sports:
Registration for K-6th Grade Spring Sports will be available next week. Registrations will be online. An email will be sent out with instructions on how to register!
TCS Book Fair:
TCS will be kicking off our exciting reading month with an Usborne Books & More Book Fair, March 1-5. Elementary students will be able to view books here on campus. Parents and grandparents may view the books online. Purchases can be made online or by returning an order form and money to the classroom. More details will follow in the next few weeks. The online catalog is available here: TCS Book Fair Catalog. Here is a video introduction to the upcoming Book Fair:
Please reach out to Lauren Roede, a TCS high school math teacher and Usborne Books consultant at roedel@tcspioneers.org with any questions. Let's READ!
Yearbook Offer:
Be an early bird! Order your 2021 TCS Yearbook by March 31st and be entered to win a free yearbook from any previous year! Order forms are available in both offices. Yearbooks can also be ordered at jostens.com. Contact Mrs. Searcy at searcys@tcspioneers.org if you have any questions.
All families should have received an email with re-enrollment information. Please take note that completing your re-enrollment by March 31st will save you $50.00 per student on your re-enrollment fee. We look forward to ministering to your family in the 2021-22 school year.
EdChoice Scholarship Renewal:
Renewal for EdChoice Expansion (income-based) Scholarships began on February 1st. EdChoice Traditional (eligible schools) scholarship renewals will begin March 2. Please see Amy Link in the elementary office for information about renewing your EdChoice Scholarship.
Important Dates:
Mar. 1 MS/HS Spring Track and Field Virtual OHSAA Meeting
Mar. 1 Elementary Reading Month Kick-Off
Mar. 3 Witness Wear
Mar. 4 Virtual Elementary Grandparents Day Program (Recorded program will be made
available on the TCS Website on Thursday March 4th at 1:30 P.M.)
Mar. 1-5 Elementary Book Fair (Students view books on campus; Parents view books online)
Mar. 9 HS Winter Sports Awards Ceremony
Mar. 17 Witness Wear
Mar. 18 Early Release 1:00 P.M. (Faculty Development)
Lunch Menu for the Week of March 1
Monday Taco Bowl, Fruit
Tuesday Pizza by the Slice $1.00
Wednesday BBQ Riblet, Cookie, Veggies w/Ranch
Thursday Chicken Quesadilla, Yogurt Fruit Parfait
Friday Pizza by the Slice $1.00