Hello TCS families. Here are a few news items that we wanted to share with you. Have a great weekend!

John 16:33   “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


Re-enrollment for the 2022-23 school year is scheduled to begin in February. Look for re-enrollment news the week of February 8-11. Thank you for choosing Temple for your children. We consider it a blessing to partner with you in your child’s education.

EdChoice Scholarship Renewal:

Renewal for EdChoice Scholarships begins in February. This includes the EdChoice Traditional and EdChoice Expansion Programs. Renewal applications have not yet been released by the Ohio Department of Education, but they should be available in early February.  Please contact Amy Link in the elementary office for information about renewing your EdChoice Scholarship.

Elementary Chapel:

The elementary students learned how our words can pierce like a sword or can bring healing to others (Proverbs 12:18) during chapel today. The students were challenged to show love to one another and to speak words of kindness to everyone.

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TCS Boosters:

Join us for our next TCS Booster Club monthly meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 2 from 5:15 - 6:00 p.m. We hope new people will plan to attend as there are several upcoming fundraising activities slated to begin. We would love to see elementary parents get involved. There is a fun event we would like to do for elementary families, but we need your help! Questions? Contact Megan Kinnear at kinnearm@tcspioneers.org.

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College Credit Plus Meeting:

Many TCS students are taking advantage of the state’s CCP Program, which allows students to take college courses for dual college/high school credit at the state’s expense. Most students are taking courses through OSU Lima and Rhodes State. An important informational meeting regarding the College Credit Plus Program for the 2022-23 school year will be held on Monday, January 31st at 6:30 P.M. in the high school cafeteria. We will be sending out additional information to middle school/high school students/parents regarding this important meeting.

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Yearbook Staff Recognition:

Congratulations to the TCS Yearbook staff for being named a 2020-2021 Jostens National Yearbook Program of Excellence! Our Yearbook staff works hard each year to produce an exceptional yearbook for our students. This award is given to schools who meet three specific criteria: creating a meaningful book for every student, increasing sales each year, and effective project management.  We are proud of the 2020-2021 Yearbook staff for being the 5th staff in a row to meet this rigorous distinction. Our 2021-2022 staff is working hard to continue our tradition of excellence and is creating a yearbook we know you'll love.

Congratulations to the students and alumni who served on the 2020-21 Yearbook staff: Adviser, Mrs. Susan Searcy; Editor-in-Chief, Jordyn Hayes; Digital Editor, Emma White; Technical Editor, Elaina Helser; Staff Members, Joseph Engle, Austin Hill, Emily Bontrager, Caleb Kiser, and Ilona Szuch!

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2022 Elementary Cheer Camp:

We had an exciting week at cheer camp this week with 49 little campers. The girls learned chants, cheers, stretches, jumps and enjoyed snacks. Come see our young cheerleaders perform Friday night at the boys basketball game against Hardin Northern.

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K4 Cheerleaders: 

The K4 girls had a blast at cheer camp this week, and cannot wait to show off what they learned at tonight’s game!!! GO PIONEERS!!

1st Grade Project:

Mrs. Rager’s class has been learning about the phases of the moon. On Thursday, the class enjoyed modeling (and eating!) the phases of the moon using Oreos!

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K4 Activity:

The K4 class enjoyed Tuesday’s two hour delay by turning nap time into movie time! The class enjoyed snuggling down on their cots with their blankets and watched “Snow Buddies!” They loved the movie and are hoping to be able to watch it again soon!

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Bus Information for Delays and Cancellations: (Lima City, Elida, Shawnee, Bath)
  • When any of our local schools who transport TCS students are delayed or cancelled due to weather conditions, all TCS pick-ups will follow your local district’s delay or cancellation. So if your local district is cancelled due to weather for the day, there will be no buses running for TCS students in the morning or in the afternoon.
  • If TCS delays due to weather, and the local district who transports TCS students does not delay or cancel, your local district will follow TCS’s schedule for the day.
  • If your child rides a Lima City, Elida, Shawnee, or Bath bus, please check their delay/cancellation status for the day so you know if the bus will be running.
  • Please remember that our staff reports 30 minutes before the beginning of the school day, so our buildings will open at 9:30 a.m. on mornings we have a two hour delay. Please do not drop students off before this time.

Lost and Found:

If your child is missing anything, please check the lost & found basket outside the elementary office. Any items that are not claimed by 2/4/22 will be donated to the Neighborhood Relief Thrift Store. 

Athletic Events:

Fri. Jan. 28       Varsity/J.V. Boys’ Basketball (HOME) vs. Hardin Northern @ 6:00 P.M.

Mon. Jan. 31     H.S. Bowling Match @ Lincolnview (Van Wert Lanes) @ 4:30 P.M.

Mon. Jan. 31.   J.H. Boys/Girls (HOME) vs. Perry @ 5:45/6:45 P.M.

Tues. Feb. 1     J.H. Boys/Girls @ Hardin Northern @ 5:30/6:30 P.M.

Fri. Feb. 4         Varsity/J.V. Boys’ Basketball (HOME) vs. Perry @ 6:00 P.M.

Sat. Feb. 5         H.S. Bowling Commodore Invite at 20 Century Lanes-Lima @ 9:00 A.M.

Sat. Feb. 5         J.H. Boys/Girls Basketball NWCC Tournament -  Locations and Times TBA

Sat. Feb. 5         Varsity/J.V. Boys’ Basketball @ McComb @ 6:00 P.M.

Important Dates:

Jan. 28     2nd Quarter Grade Cards Sent Home

Jan. 31     M.S./H.S. College Credit Plus Meeting @ 6:00 P.M. (TCS Cafeteria)

Feb. 2       Witness Wear Day

Feb. 4       Elementary Grandparents at Lunch

Feb. 8-11 TCS Re-enrollment Begins

Feb. 10     Early Dismissal 1:00 P.M. -  Faculty Development

Lunch Menu for the Week of January 31, 2022

Monday          Chicken Strips, Hot Pretzel, Fruit

Tuesday         Pizza  $1.00/Slice

Wednesday   Hot Turkey & Cheese Sandwich, Scalloped Potatoes, Pudding

Thursday        Taco Bowl, Rice, Fruit

Friday             Pizza  $1.00/Slice